Friday sharing to boost personal and business growth
Jan 07, 2022As sustainable fashion is the new black, how do you ensure to keep updated in this field and more generally how to you manage personal development for the Team and yourself?
To start on the sustainability agenda, please read the Fashion United article on several existing certifications that may be relevant to your Brand and project. Check the link below.
For change to happen at personal level, we need to make choices and the right choices that over time with make our habits to be right for ourself, our family and our business.
What is often an obstacle is the amount of time we spend on fun things and not so much on personal development.
Brian Tracy came with a very interesting ratio we recommend you use:
EvE ratio. It calculates how much time and/or money you spend on Entertainement versus the time and money you spend on Education. His research showed that the average person would spend 50 times more on Entertainment than on Education!
With audio books, videos, motivational quotes, free workshop ... you can learn more for free.
What is stopping you from doing it?
Research and identify one website or article to read and digest every month on sustainable fashion. And see how to translate this knowledge into action in your business.
Keep track of the time you spend on entertainment activities versus the time you spend on learning / educational activities. Make a choice to improve by even just 1% the amount of time you spend on education (Pick up a free audible membership for 30 days and get started today!).
To ensure you do not stay awake longer, listen to your audio book while commuting and cancel most of the time you may give to the media to feed us with negative messages which bring us down and does not lift us up.
We were working with a business owner who was lacking time to engage more with the Team. Firstly, we created a routine to walk the corridors and speak for 15 minutes 3 times a week (and then we increased the momentum), and he started seeing results within 2 weeks.
People were recognised for their efforts and commitment and they started sharing better ideas and a few created more revenues and others produced savings which is great during the challenging times we face.
As the owner was reluctant to do the exercise, we asked him to write down his current routine and we realise that he was spending unnecessary time attending webinars he did not have to, spending time on social media that did not produce any results and screening the press yet with no follow up action. He saved over 3 hours every week.
Check your own routine and get somebody else to challenge it if you cannot do it yourself with objectivity.
We are here to help if you need accountability. Clients recognise that this is one of our responsibilities and role.
Once again, we wish you and the family a Happier, Healthier and more Prosperous New Yer 2022.
Fashion United - Sustainability Standards - Read the article and learn more about the certifications that matter to you.
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