Mentoring session

How to 10X your wholesale business

We work with you all the way.

You are never alone.

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Free Trade Show Webinar On Demand.
How to get up to 30 orders at the next show? Call, email us or register below.

Trade Show 101 

We support you as a one-stop shop to ensure your trade show investment produces the results your Brand deserves in terms of brand awareness and mostly sales.
We help you find and negotiate the best trade show and the best location.
Ideally, we want to help you prepare the show 3 to 6 months before it starts otherwise, from experience with over 1000 Brands, we will under-perform by 30 to 100%.
We help you identify the right buyers, make appointments, take orders, ship and get paid for the goods and finally get repeat orders the same or the following season.

We will turn every stone in the wholesale business to turbo-charge your sales domestically and abroad. This include but is not limited to ensure that the sale is preceeded and followed by the right preparation, training of all staff members, have the right pricing, lookbook, terms and conditions, shipping and payment terms.

USA - Build your $1 Million Business

We are USA experts as GFM founder had to open an office in the USA and manage $40 Million.
He has worked with brands, boutiques, department stores, logistics and credit management issues every month including but not limited to international designer brands like Alberta Ferretti, Kenzo, Monnalisa, Moschino, Parah, Sergio Rossi, Versace ...

Acces for free this USA Fashion Guide

Clients have realised the importance to master the country before making any important investment. They understand the need for a holistic action plan to be successful. We deliver just that in our USA Workshop / masterclass. Discover how this workshop will increase sales and avoid you making the mistakes made by the competition. Call us when you are ready.
This workshop with our 100% satisfaction guaranteed. You cannot lose. 

Client's quote - Parveen, Designer: "This workshop is the Rolls Royce of Fashion information on the USA market."

Agents 101

With our partner, we help you find the right agent or distributor for your Brand. We ensure that you are well equipped to optimise results with this new partner: recruitment, contract, on-boarding, management, motivation, marketing collateral, ... We work hard to ensure you improve sales, seriously reduce the risk of under performance and avoid the cost of a separation.

Due to the work we do with retailers (delivering a monthly merchandise plan), we have a clear understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of retailers. 
Our business support, mentoring and training are highly regarded by the retailers and beneficial to agents to ensure they show they care about the retailer's business beyond selling the product.
Why? Because wWith our content, the agent shows that he care about the retailers building a stronge, resilient and profitable retail store!

B2B Brand Building - Critical and Creative Thinking

Thank you to SME News for the award we have received as the Greater London "Best Fashion Management and Mentoring 2021" and "Best Fashion Mentoring and Management Advisory 2022".

As we have a truly 360 degree approach of the business of fashion, imagine the power you have in your hands if we can spot the red flag and green flags before anybody else?
You will increase customer traffic, sales and profitability. You will also reduce or eliminate the mistakes your competition is making.

Relax, you are in good hands. 

Before knowing Global Fashion Management, clients have suffered from unscrupulous suppliers or service providers. They had bought products and services the business did not need. We do not want you to feel there will be a risk when we work together.

Our commitment to Fashion Start Ups - High Value Resource Center
For many years, we have been supporting start-ups and young designers.
With the pandemic and the challenging environment, they need even more help.
For £15, you can make a donation to the Young Designer High Value Resource Center. It will benefit you and other designers. 
GFM will inform you which designer actually benefits from your donation
You will receive a mininum 1 hour mentoring/ business coaching with an expert. You can offer it to your protegé or favourite young Fashion Designer.
We reserve the right to limit these sessions to 2 per Designer/Brand.There is limited availability and therefore it works on a first come, first served basis.
To access resources specifically dedicated to young designers, access the London Fashion Business Academy.

Free Webinar On Demand
Get up to 30 orders at your next trade show even if you are a start up

Did you know that we see the same mistakes happening at trade shows around the world for the past 25 years?
Let those mistakes be mistakes made by your competition. They can be costing you easily $3000 to $10 000 per show if you take 0 order.

Discover the golden rules to follow. Learn the mistakes to avoid.

If you are an established Brand and you are venturing into a new territory, the rules to turbo boost sales may be different.
So make sure you join us for the webinar as you will possibly say what one of our European client told us when we delivered our USA trade show workshop: "What you are asking us to do in the USA, we are not even doing it in Europe".
And yet they had over 10 years experience in trade shows across different European countries!

Sometimes, we don't know what we don't know.

In this free webinar, we will discuss European and USA trade shows. You will leave this session with super powers!

Register for the free trade show webinar on demand

Learn from international best practice.

Discover how to get up to 30 orders at the show.

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Join the free webinar each month

Join us for an insightful and thought provoking webinar each month.
Make sure you take a lot of notes, ask questions and there will be some homework for you!

Register for the monthly webinar - No charge